[Info Covid_19] Protective Measures Passengers and Drivers

[Info Covid_19] Protective Measures Passengers and Drivers
⚠️Safe Travel Protocol⚠️

In order to ensure the best protection for you and our drivers, here is our cleaning protocol for each vehicle. Normally our vehicles are already prepared inside and outside to welcome you at best, but in this new sanitary period we do everything possible to disinfect each vehicle before and after each service.

☑️ The cleaning of the interior and exterior windows between each service
☑️ Cleaning of the seats, armrests and handles with a single-use antiseptic wipe between each service.
☑️ Complete interior and exterior wash of all our vehicles
☑️ Ventilation of the passenger compartment between each service
☑️ The provision of hydroalcoholic gel
☑️ In-vehicle spraying of a bactericidal aerosol between services
☑️ The removal of any object from the rear of the vehicle
☑️ The provision of bottled water only on request to the chauffeur
☑️ Mask and glove on request to the chauffeur
☑️ Wearing a mask is mandatory for drivers & passengers

During this particularly difficult situation of confinement for all, our company is always on duty for your URGENT and NECESSARY displacements, especially for long distances due to the reduction of rail and air transport.
Rest assured that we do everything possible to guarantee our passengers the highest level of safety on board our vehicles.

In addition, in accordance with the recommendations of the health authorities and the government, Class-eDriverLimousine invites its customers and employees to respect the hygiene instructions to be practiced in the workplace(s) and at home. These are simple gestures to protect your health and that of your family and friends:

  • Wash your hands very regularly.
    Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a disposable handkerchief.
    Use disposable tissues and dispose of them in a trash can.
    Wave without shaking hands, avoid hugs.
    Avoid gatherings, limit travel and contact.

For more information, we invite you to consult the Government’s website: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus




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